Lomma Norra by SA7LOO

SA7LOO's picture
Saturday, 23 January 2016 - 00:00 UTC
QSO count: 
Went by bike to Lomma beach (SM/SS/024) 15 km west from my QTH. WX: -2 C and snowfall. Put up a monoband c-pole antenna for 20 m right at the water edge and started calling "CQ Beaches On The Air" on 14.270. Had 2 QSO:s before I got spotted, and ended up with a pileup shortly thereafter. Really fun, but difficult sometimes figuring out who was calling me. Had to protect the transceiver from the snow at the same time. Went QRT after an hour when the pileup finally settled and headed north to activate the next beach in line. This was probably the very first BOTA activation in Sweden. Although it was a great deal of fun, I can imagine it will be even more pleasant during summertime here. 73 de SA7LOO Had QSO:s on BOTA: SM/SS/024 with the following stations: IZ2PCQ, IW0RIM, SA7AZQ, SV9RGI, IZ0ARL, SV3IEG, UX3UN, UY0CA, IU4FIT, R6AC, HB9ZCV, GI0NYI, MI5JYK, UT1AO, IZ6BGQ, R2AC, E73EMI, EA5OL, UA6HGY, 9A6DR, YO5ATL, IW0AXT, IT9DOO, UA3BM, UR7UC, IW5CHW, RU6YZ, 4Z4DX, EA3IM, IZ5YHE, UR7ID, YO9FQT, SA2CLU, RK4NAB
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