Senggigi by YC3KNJ
Saturday, 22 June 2019 - 00:00 UTC
QSO count:
My dear friends, God willing, I will activate BOTA (Beaches on the Air) on SENGGIGI beach, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara on June 22, 2019.
I will QRV only in the afternoon at around 08:00 UTC until the sun sets. I will work on 20m band for approximately 1 hour and the rest on 40m band. As for the frequency, please go hunting, but I will try first at 14023 khz and 7023 khz if not used, if used then I will QSY a little up or down.
I will work using the callsign YC3KNJ/9.
For QSL, although this is not mandatory, I will provide a QSL in the form of PDF file that can be downloaded on this page approximately 1-2 weeks from the completion of my DXpedition . Please check and re-check directly on the web and no longer need to ask whether it has been uploaded or not. Logs for QRZ, eQSL and LOTW will be uploaded as usual.
Finally, I am waiting for the participation of the militant hunters, and thank you for your participation and cooperation. You guys are awesome!!!
See you on the bands, 73
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