Leptokarya - Hotel Olympian Bay by SV2CNE

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Friday, 21 July 2017 - 00:00 UTC
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HELLO MY FRIENDS. In the afternoon I will activate the beach in Leptokarya Pieria next to the Olympian Bay Hotel SV/PR/001. Time 16:30 +/- 30min UTC. Freq:145375 fm,7180,14280 ssb **************************************************************************** ON 21 JULY 2017 COMPLETE 1 YEAR BEACH ACTIVITIES. SV2CNE. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 -2017. ACTIVATE 22/22 PIERIA BEACHES (+17) ACTIVATE 6/25 THESSALONIKI BEACHES (+ 1) ACTIVATED 3/241 ATTICA BEACHES. ACTIVATED 2/19 LARISSA BEACHES. TOTAL 51 BEACHES, 1312 CONTACTS, 293,72 MOUNDS. *** We have 13 radio stations from all over Greece and we make a total of 140 beaches with 4348 contacts and our country is in the first place from the 18 countries that are included in the Beaches on Air program with a total of 681.78 points. I HELP SUCCESSFUL TO CONNECT ENTERTAINMENT AND HOPE WITH ACTIVITIES IN ALL GREECE AND COUNTRIES.
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